Trauma Resources


In the immediate aftermath of a violent crime or traumatic experience, it can be difficult to know what to do, where to go, or even how to begin coping with something so overwhelming. A step-by-step guide for what to do to establish safety, document what happened, and how to get help can be found in Violence and Trauma: Action Steps in the Aftermath.

Mental Health
(from the National Alliance on Mental Illness -

Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) provides information on prevention, treatment and symptoms of anxiety, depression and related conditions (240-485-1001)

Finding Treatment:

  • Psychology Today offers a national directory of therapists, psychiatrists, therapy groups and treatment facility options

  • SAMHSA Treatment Locator provides referrals to low-cost/sliding scale mental health care, substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment (800-662-4357)

Suicide And Crisis:


Other Online Resources: