What is coaching?

Coaching is a client-driven process in which the coach assists the client in how best to achieve their chosen goals. This can include identifying what steps or shifts in thinking might need to be taken to reach the client's desired result. It's up to the client to determine what measurable milestones will demonstrate that the partnership is producing desired results.

What's the difference between coaching and therapy?

Therapy is a deep dive into your life (often exploring the past) in an effort to work toward healing. Therapy supports your journey in recognizing your core causes of discomfort and digs deeper into the detailed reasons you might be dealing with certain concerns. Coaching, on the other hand, assumes at least some of that work has already been done and that the client is operating from a comfortable emotional baseline. In this space, creating forward-looking actions and strategies, coaching works with you to set and achieve goals. 

For more on the difference between coaching and therapy, check out this short article in The Washington Post.

Is it redundant to see a therapist and a coach at the same time?

Not at all! Because therapy and coaching use different modalities and concentrations, working with a therapist and coach at the same time can complement each other perfectly. 

Does intimacy coaching involve touch?

No; my sessions are mostly virtual. I do sometimes refer clients to somatic or other types of hands-on bodyworkers when I feel it would benefit the client’s overall wellness and well-being.

Do you work with teenagers?

I only work with adults, but I have referrals to wonderful educators who work with teens and parents. Just check my Resources section!

How long does the coaching process take?

There is no single answer to that question since everyone is different and everyone’s needs and processes vary. Coaching is inherently a discovery and implementation process and we need time to discover and implement! That being said, I would say coaching on one goal is no less than 3 - 5 sessions taking place every other week.

Do you offer reduced fees for BIPoC and/or those who are undergoing financial hardship?

I do! I hold a certain number of spaces open for sliding-scale clients. I have a waiting list for those individuals who are BIPOC, and/or experiencing financial hardship. To be added to the waiting list, please email: hello@ellechase.com and enter WLSS in the subject line.